DASHIHUI International Trade Promoting Center is announced to be established at DASHIHUI Headquarter in Guangzhou2022年6月6日,大狮汇国际贸易促进中心在广州大狮汇总部宣布成立,标志着大狮汇正式为国内外企业服务与发展搭起强有力的商务桥梁,为大狮汇正式走向国际化树立新的里程碑。DASHIHUI International Trade Promoting Center (As known-DITPC) is announced to be established at DASHIHUI Headquarter in Guangzhou on June 6th.,2022, that marks Dashihui officially is building a strong business bridge for providing service cooperation and development between Domestic and foreign enterprises, and also sets a new milestone for Dashihui’s internationalization.大狮汇国际贸易促进中心旨在为中国进出口企业、跨境电商及上下游供应链企业与全球各国之间的贸易与商务往来提供资源与增值服务,服务对象除了国内进出口相关联企业以外,还包括各国驻华总领事馆、各国在华商会、在华企业以及各个国际商业组织。DITPC aims to provide all Sources and Valuable Services not only to Various China Import&Export Enterprises, International E-Commerce, all related Supplying Chains, but all Various Consultants General, Join Ventures, International Business Associations as well.据了解,大狮汇是一家致力于为全球企业提供资源及增值服务的国际性商业服务平台。曾于2022年1月10日在广州东方宾馆成功举办了以“成人达己,世界一体”为主题的“2022大狮汇国际商务合作暨公益高峰论坛”。Dashihui is an international business service platform dedicated to providing resources and value-added services for global enterprises. The "2022 Dashihui International Business Cooperation and Public Welfare Summit Forum" with its Concept of “Help Each Other to Facilitate World Integration ”was successfully held in Guangzhou LN-DONGFANG Hotel on Jan.10th.,2022.大会邀请了墨西哥、巴西、伊朗、安哥拉、比利时、乌兹别克斯坦、斯里兰卡、乌克兰、匈牙利、喀麦隆、印度、摩洛哥、多哥、刚果、坦桑尼亚等国家总领事馆总领事或商会会长、欧盟商会、东盟等组织领导、国内几十家大型商协会领导及各行业企业家共1000余人参加。该国际盛会为参会各方提供了丰富的资源及商务机会,得到了参会领导及企业家的一致好评。Over 1000 guests were invited to attend the Event, such as Consulate General of different countries- Mexico,Brazil, Iran,Angola, Belgium,Sri lanca, Morocco, Hungary etc., EU Chamber of Commerce, leadership of different international Businesses Associates in Guangzhou China, also various of national businesses enterprises and entrepreneurs. This event makes a great effort to benefit those who attended and DASHIHUI was highly recognized with great credit by local public media and all guests.据悉,大狮汇国际贸易促进中心的成立,将为中国进出口企业开展国际业务提供协助与支持,同时也为中国企业与各国之间架起友谊的桥梁,为促进国际商贸往来与文化交流做出积极贡献。It is reported that, the establishment of DITPC will both provide fully assistance and support to all Chinese Import&Export Enterprises for their international business, but also is building a Friendship bridge between Chinese and international enterprises , and making positive contributions to promoting international trade and various cultural exchanges.